Friday 1 October 2010


Jesus fucking Christ I really don't understand the obsession of wanting me to blog so badly. You're my friends -- you're in my life, and you know what goes on inside my twisted fucking mind. That's a lie; it's too messed up up there and you guys are way too innocent (particularly Krysia).

Let's see, erm, I have been writing fanfiction and it's nice and lovely, but going nowhere. I like to write it anyway because GCSE pressure makes me feel like I'm losing the person I was. Also, I'm trying to get more into anime, again; yes, you may have guessed, to get in touch with my younger, skinnier, more upbeat and happier self. Can you tell I'm in a pissy mood? Oh dear.

Erm, yeah I need to go watch Grey's now because I was not allowed last night.

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