Thursday 21 October 2010


So yes, not the happiest bunny. Ciara says that my blog is not as good as Lauren's because I post things that I work hard on to bring out of my head and want to share with the world and whatever. It's not fanfiction, okay? It's not. I make it myself. Not that I don't make fanfiction myself, but you know what I mean.

Also, I went to shower and left Tumblr open and I have 26 updates to view, which is red-donkey-lips. I loe Tumblr though. It is so internet-y and awesome.

In my life, since Ciara seems to care, I have... gained a Tumblr, obvs.

Started yoga with George's mother. It's free and I enjoy it because I hate intense workouts and so it's perfect for me. Also, it elongates my spine thus improving my posture and making me taller. Take that, world.

Started Year 11. Which, I can't deny, has been both good and bad. I seem to be under a lot of more stress, but apart from that, I like it. Mostly because I like school. Ooh, and also I have a slight crush on Nick in my History class who I never noticed was quite so pleasant. He says my name and I get all suffocated inside, but in a good way, if that makes sense. He also talks to me when he doesn't have to, because he's kind of popular, but he does anyway. Plus I'm a sucker for smart boys, and he's clearly not stupid. Oh, and he's tall. Pity he smokes; it is the only reason why I know that if he asked me out -- which he will never, but still -- I wouldn't accept. I know I'd just be thinking about how many minutes of his life it was taking off and such. The grammar in this paragraph as been awful; this is what boys do to me I suppose.

Gotten more into films? I don't know. I think I'm just trying to add things in so Ciara actually reads this.

Become thoroughly addicted to fruit tea. Or mostly just strawberry and mango tea with about three sugars. I have a problem with sugar; it is not possible to have too much.

Ooh, and welcome back Elisabeth. Thank you for the lovely comment :)


JOANNA slides forward, entranced by how intensely Nick is looking at her. No-one has ever looked at her in a such a way.

"I just..." he paused, never breaking his fierce stare from her lips, eyes, nose and cheeks. He is looking at all of her at once, it feels like, "I just don't want to waste time anymore."

'What's the rush?' Joanna wants to ask, but she loses control when Nick slowly lifts his hand to meet her cheek. Every cell in her body shudders but the way he is looking at her and cradling her face so gently, like she's the most precious thing in the world, makes her wonder if he is seeing her the way she sees herself.

"Well then stop wasting it," Joanna says as clearly as she can, but it still comes out a whisper; she tilts her head forwards and kisses him.

Nick is not shocked when she pulls away, or at least, doesn't seem so. Instead, he wears the same slightly amused, slightly frustrated expression from all those years ago when Joanna would beat him at, or to, something; and the exact infantile thrill jiggles her spine. Bravely, Joanna presses her forehead against Nick's and waits.

"Well go on then," she hisses impatiently, as she grew more and more embarrassed. Never has she had to take a boy step-by-step on how to kiss her. Each one had more or less assumed how to do it.

Nick hums lightly before pushing against her forehead. He smirks as Joanna unwilling takes a sharp intake of breath.

"I think I'll tease you for a bit first, shall I?" Nick says calmly. Joanna had never realised what seduction truly was, or how powerful it could be, until this very moment. "So sit very still."

Nick laughs breathlessly as Joanna mutters curse words under her breath; she obliges anyway and closes her eyes, waiting.

She can feel Nick's confidence collapse though she cannot see him. He has not really kissed a girl before, and she knows this. To be perfectly honest, it feels like this is her first kiss too, with how her palms are sweating and throbbing in time with her tittering heart. She wants him to on with it but at the same time she wants to slow down because feeling this way is novelty.

Joanna is about to open her eyes when she feels Nick's mouth fall on hers and the surge of emotions she feels makes her freeze. At first. Though it takes her time to react, when she pulls away she finds herself tangled in his legs, her hands threaded in his hair. His too are woven in hers, the other gently caresses the waistband of her jeans.

The stare at each other and breathe heavily, neither knowing what to do. It's kind of scary, how thick the air seems. Joanna has never felt this gratitude for someone else being alive, this dependency on an existence, and it's both exciting and frightening.

"That was..." she begins, clearing her throat but Nick just leans down and kisses her again, more forcefully this time. Joanna shuts her eyes and feels her mind cloud. Something hazily tells her that if she pulls Nick closer then it will feel even better, as if that's possible.

So Joanna snakes her arms around Nick's neck and tugs until there isn't an inch between their bodies. Eventually, Nick comes up for air and Joanna wonders how on earth they managed to lie down without her realising. He was about to kiss her again when Joanna swiftly places her hand between them.

"W-wait!" she says desperately and Nick sits up. His eyes are glazed over and his lups have the same colour lipstick Joanna is wearing smudged across them. Her lips feel bruised and tingly; suddenly that half a glass of wine seems too much her to handle. "Let's slow down, shall we?"

"What if I don't want to?" The in look his eyes was playfully threatening. Joanna slaps his arm.

The both start laughing because they know Nick borrowed the line from some form of teenage romance novel, movie or whatever; it's not NickandJoanna at all. Deep down, neither one expects much from the relationship because both are wise enough to that only feelings last forever. They would eventually break up due to obstacles that would arise, but Joanna would always be the one to introduce this kind of love into Nick's life, and vice versa; and that mutual gratefulness between they would never fade.

Joanna runs her right hand through his wavy locks and smiles as Nick closes his eyes briefly at her touch.

"I understand," he says softly and kisses her palm. "Can we still cuddle?"

Joanna gigglesa nd dives into his open arms to which he responds enthusiastically by clasping her tightly and falling back on the bed. She leans up and kisses his nose before burying her face in his torso.

No, she thinks, this will never die.


1 comment:

  1. Awww, cute. I would like to learn more about the characters, they're certainly intriguing. And I like that for once, the girl is more experienced than the guy.

    Smoking is gross. x( I hate when you notice a cute guy who then destroys his image by pulling out a pack of smokes...
