Friday 21 May 2010


"...I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello!" I'm going to stop now otherwise I'm going to just have this entire blog post singing that song -- which, I am ashamed to say, have only really listened, properly, to the Glee version. Do not shoot me please, I have a dinner tomorrow and I want to wear my pretty white dress.

I say 'properly' because I played Beatles's Rockband in the library and you could faintly hear them rocking away, bless their souls.

I'm on a, nope sorry -- I'm in a funny mood today. I should probably not blog when in a funny mood but I really can't be arsed to go sit down and watch -- I don't know the name of the company but insert their name here -- butcher anything that ever made me like DBZ ever, ever. Except for maybe Goku, I don't mind him for some reason.

I'm so glad that it's DBZ and not DBGT because they it would have Pan and their would just rip her apart or have her played by the girl that did Lilo's voice or something and that's not right, man. It just ain't riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ~~~

I feel like that's a song so that's why I wrote it that way, okay?

My brother is off to go to Scouts, which means I get dinner soon, hopefully. It's grilled chicken breast, from what my nostrils can gather and I like that. I like it with ketchup, did you know that? I've had it like that since I was about seven and haven't really grown out of it.

Ah yes, that was one of my blog ideas, wasn't it: Things Blog Reader(s) Do Not Know About Me. Yes, I know most people who read my blog already know me rather well and therefore this is pointless, but I shall do this anyway. Leave me alone.

1) I write in my head. And by this I mean that I write scenes. I'm no John Green or Douglas Adams, and so that means I rarely actually form sentences in my head, and instead think up a scene and play it in my head for a little bit to amuse myself. Now, I have told people this, but I get the impression that they think I say it to show off. I don't, honest. It's just something I do to pass the time.

Also, speaking of impressions, sometimes I feel like people think I'm bored of them and that's why I start to staring into pace. It's not; I do it out of habit and because I constantly get new ideas and things. Once again, not trying to show off, just trying to to clarify myself.

2) My favourite food is eggs. Yes, eggs. Eggs goes well with everything, and can be done in so many ways: scrambled, fried, poached, boiled, soft boiled, omelette, etc. And I love each way it can be done. Except maybe fried, but I'd still eat it; I just prefer it poached, because it's healthier.

3) My favourite actresses are Zooey Deschanel, Natalie Portman and Amy Adams is kind of sweet as well. I'm just saying; and I based my character Erin from Zooey Deschanel in 500 Days of Summer, which Kate openly stated the other day that she hated because it was plot-less. I gaped in awe because I love that film; I liked how it was kind of controversial to the rest of rom-coms, and kind of didn't focus on the 'rom', if you know what I mean.

4) I am a sucker for showtunes. It is the reason I watch Glee. Sure, I like Rachel because she's oddly psychotic and cool that way, and Finn so cute because he's ditzy, but I watch it for the songs and hope they do them well. They usually do, but I like it when they do showtunes as opposed to normal songs, because they're more fun.

5) I get reel lonely sometimes. And I'm using humour here to make it less awkward, but I do get lonely. Liek the proper angsty, 'Iwishihadaboyffff' lonely that most single girls my age tend to feel.

I don't really get the whole, 'THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' thing and don't blame that for my lack of boyfriend-ness, because I know it's all really 'to each their own' in relationships. I guess it's just impatience for when I do find the right person. And I know it's a when, not an if, because I've always known there's someone out there for everyone and things. Excuse me while I cringe at what I just said.

6) I've been watching anime since I was about five years old. Okay, this one kind of sucks, because just about anyone in the universe knows it, but it's true and I think it needs to be emphasised.

And that's all for now because I'm so painfully boring and blog so much that most things you know about me... you have read here... and that's just all there is folks.

I'm going to die now,

All my love,
Emlanie. (I meant to do that, 'kay? ~~ I got it wrong first time, but decided to shake things up a bit, yaknow).

1 comment:

  1. Was it the Canadian/UK or American dub of DBZ that you were watching? Cos the Canadan one was AWFUL, it was the one where the OVER 9000 thing comes from and is BAD BAD BAD but it was also the kind that was shown in the UK.
    The Texan Funimation dub rocks ass though.
    OOH OOH what were you watching? What didn't you like about it? AHHHH awesomeawesome :D
