Tuesday 18 May 2010

Oh, why HELLO!

Oh, blooooooooooooooog! *squeeezes*

Oh how I have missed you and your annoying default font, and just you. Oh, you.

I put off blogging because I was lazy. Not because I was busy, although I was, because I found time to read manga and still watch Doctor Who and stuff. As well as make Lauren's presents, so, no, it was just laziness. I'm so sorry.

But, that's in the past, is it not? And today I am here to talk about good things. Things that make my life suck that little bit less for once. I know, I'm a changed woman /notreally.

So, today was 50%-of-our-GCSE-R.E-exam day. It was something I didn't revise a lot for and therefore was fairly nervous about it, but knew that me failing was not a possibility, so I was more in the 'just wanting to get it over with' mood more than anything.

And luckily I was in... er, luck. The test was 'piss easy', the boy seated next to me remarked afterwards. I agree with him, because I knew most of it. Only the last question was a bit... meh.

It was something along the lines of: 'If everyone was a Christian, there would be no racism in the world' Do you agree with this statement? In your answer refer to Christianity, give reasons for your point of view and why might some people disagree with you.

I mean, the first part was fairly explanatory; I know how they want me to answer the question, I pretended to be a devout Catholic and emphasised how we were not racist because of St Peter's vision, and other things. But then I wasn't so sure as to what put for the second part.

I distinctly remember just throwing in some key words in it and then slamming my paper shut to write some more Treasure Planet fanfiction in my head.

Secondly, remember that totally notsome grade I got for my English? Well our oh-so-lovely trainee teacher of sorts, Ms Kleanthous, allowed us to do a roleplay which included a court trial including the characters from Macbeth.

It was a trial deciding whether or not Lady Macbeth was just a poor, confused woman, left deranged from the loss of her baby, or a plotting, cold blooded mastermind who was power hungry and ruthless.

I was Lady M, and, logically, had to play up my whole distraught at losing my child and things while my lawyer, played by Simi, defended me further against Leah, who was the prosecuting lawyer.

But, although we lost the 'trial', and I don't blame them, I think Lady M's a bit of a manipulative bitch who was a little touch of crazy, I got an A-, which is just ahhh, orgasmic?! No, srsly, to go from D+ to A- is very cool with me and I... I'm just really happy at the moment.

And Saturday is Sophie's birthday celebration and I get to wear my pretty white dress AGAIN, so I'm satisfied, as opposed to last year, where I wanted to die because I had no pretty dresses of my own.

Let's see...

I saw The Last Song and I cried, and as I have aforementioned, I enjoy crying over fiction, because it makes me feel replenished and refreshed, much like the hair in L'Oreal adverts.

Also, Doctor Who is fantastic and I feel myself fall in love with Matt Smith a little bit more each week. As I read in a book once, "it's like I'm drowning, but the water is so warm and smooth against my skin that I don't mind".

Furthermore, we had this conversation at break, and I thought it was brilliant how all of us feel the same about him. At first, it was like, "Ah, you're cute, I like you!", but now it's like, "OMG!!!!! TAKE ME NOWWWWW!!!!" with the epic, exasperated voice.

Glee isn't moving forward, and that's the only thing that kind of sucks at the moment. That and my History exam, which I am so not looking forward too, because it is one of my worst subjects, oh yes it is. That, then Science and then English. Because only the Creative Writing aspect of English am I good at.

But Finn is cute in a non-Matt Smith way; in a way that I want him and Rachel to get together already!

I'm seriously going to stop blogging now though.

Love you forever,

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