Tuesday 4 January 2011

Call it Eleven!

If you watch Frezned, you'll get the title. If not, I'm sorry. I didn't have any other title for this post. Sorry.

WOOT, so like always, I'm ill. I always seem to blog when I'm ill and I should be revising German, but I think I know it but I'll go check that I do when I'm done.; nevertheless, I guess some traditions will not be broken in '11, huh?

I guess it's fitting to talk about my resolutions, but since there's so much I want to change about myself, I'll try to generalise it a bit:

- Beat a video game
Namely: Twilight Princess, Pokemon Leaf-Green or whatever.

- Do my homework when I get it and give it in on time
Or just focus more on my school life; I find it become very exhausting to have that gnawing guilt that I have essays to do. It literally tires me out, so I'm really going to try to just get it over with or at least attempt it in the first day: that way I'll feel that I'm at least trying.

- Exercise more
Namely on the cross-trainer; because it's free and I can do it watching TV or something. I know I'm not fat, but I'm still not happy with my weight; it'd be nice to tone up or really I just want to get more active. I'll continue with the yoga but I'll try some slightly more intense stuff too. Because I don't want to get old and weak.

- Read more Classics
Because I've found I can read more critically now and since I'm not taking English Lit, I want to try to at least attempt some of the work I'd do in that course by myself. Plus it never hurt to get more cultured and to have opinions on well-renowed things.

- Pick up an intrument
Most likely trumpet because I could do it but either that or piano. Trumpet seems least expensive but maybe because of the lack of teachers of it, I might try something else, like piano.

- Get a job/internship
Hopefully something to do with English but I wouldn't mind working in a nursery or whatever, or just in a shop. Idealistically, with a writer or with a magazine that does movies reviews or talks about upcoming films (Empire, FILM, etc) but realistically, small shops around Brighton or, yeah, a nursery. Some volunteer work is good too.

Those are the big ones, because I'm really not that unhappy with my life. I could get out more, but it's winter so I have an excuse. But compared to the least few years, I definitely get out more. It'd be nice to go round Ciara's more often too, since she's just around the corner; she could even help me with Science or Maths, because I'm sure she wouldn't mind an opportunity to show how freakin' intelligent she is. Also, she's a great teacher. To be honest, to get closer with Maurice and Libby would be great too and something I want to do because it's their last year at Newman next year. That seems weird.

Speaking of Libby: TANGLED COMES OUT SOON. I have literally never been this excited. Flynn is so hot and just a great character; Rapunzel seems like she could be a bit of a Mary-Sue but I'm sure I'll love her anyways. I will book as soon as I can and write a full review, even if no-one will care.

I'm also planning my Nanowrimo for next year. I think I'm going to use Joanna and Nicholas but maybe change her name? Not sure. I like what I built with them and I'd like to take it further, explore what I've created. As a challenge, I think I'll make Joanna a polar opposite to myself, interests-wise; which means she will like sports. It's what I like about books: to be honest to delve into another's shoes and see what it would be like to live another life.

Erm: more books. I want more books. And clothes; I'm having fun with my wardrobe atm and trying to mix things up. I'm still going to buy stuff second-hand because I stand by that it's fun to buy it. Plus I hate shoppers. God I hate shoppers.

My Christmas was okay; not amazing. The presents were good but I'm expecting more... books for my birthday. I asked for books but my parents resisted and got my gift cards for shops. Tempted to just get the money from them and buy books from Amazon.

My current illness: ear ache. It's making me a little dizzy and merging into a headache but I want to be in school tomorrow so I'll just take medicine to school or whatever. I miss my friends and want to know what I got for my Mocks; unless it's bad. Then I don't want to know. Meaning: Maths teacher and my Science teachers can just not talk to me kthanks.

It'd be nice to vlog or at least attempt it in '11. I have a video camera for Christ's sake so I could upload my concert footage from The Maine/Mayday Parade. Getting known from other Youtubers would be great but I want to practice with Sony Vegas too because film-making is something I'd like to know more about regardless of ever doing it professionally or whatever.

Going to watch TV and go on the cross-trainer now,

Love, Mel.

1 comment:

  1. Video game love! <3 i have never completed twilight princcess, leaf green however, was boringly easy :)

    the last few years i've been trying to read more classics . . . it's kind of happening? but not really xD

    i know how you feel about just wanting books, books and more books!

    for your illness i reccommend tea, it cures everything.

    also you saw mayday parade? insande jealousy . . .
