Wednesday 26 January 2011

Badminton and stuff.

Yeah I started badminton today. That was good; ish. I mean, I spent the whole hour or so learning how to serve while my other two friends, Kate and Krysia, were good enough so the teacher taught them how to actually make points while I couldn't even get the shuttlecock over the net. But whatever; it's kind of embarrassing how bad at sport I actually am sometimes. Even in Year 8 and stuff my friends would be like, 'Oh I'm so bad at sport LOL' and then come back with a Level 5 in their reports. I would receive a 4+, because I tried. That plus that I saw was because I, unlike Laura Tombolani, wouldn't scratch at scabs as an excuse to get out of it; I would just get on with it, be humiliated, nearly cry and then carry on. Today I was humiliated, nearly cried and carried on; so it's good to see nothing's changed that much. Still, I can kind of serve now, so that's good I guess. I should be better in P.E. on Monday and then on Wednesday and then I'll be good at badminton. Maybe.

What else? Erm, Tangled on Friday! The tickets were booked because we're lame. Or rather, I am. Because the seats aren't allocated in the screen and no-one else really cared but at that point, when I knew this, I had gathered money from everyone and it was just not worth it. I don't think anyone will ever truly understand how much this film means to me; hell, I don't think I do. It's mostly Flynn Rider, I suppose; but I just like the look and everything of it. I hope I'm not disappointed by it but at this point, with the amount of hype I've given it and the looking forward to it... yeah. I'm trying to tone it down and keeping it smothered until the screening of the film because otherwise I'm just going to annoy people too.

That's all that's going on in my life atm. I did one hour on the cross-trainer WITHOUT STOPPING. Yeah, like a boss. You jelly? ~

Story tiem trolololol~ (this one is a bit of a filler, but yeah.)

Helena was beginning to get sick of books; everyday, for most of the day, Helena was assigned a chapter to read and then she was to write a page on it describing what happened and how she felt about. Even if it was uneventful, she did as Benjamin had told her to. Besides, the Captain was avoiding her like the plague and refused to even look at her; these reactions to her just made her angry and she decided it was best to keep to herself instead of taking out her anger on Benjamin later. Still, she was secretly proud: she wished the teachers at the orphanage could see her now, reading books and writing short essays on them. And they said she’d amount to nothing.

“Your cursive is improving,” Benjamin remarked as he held up two pieces of parchment, comparing them. He wore a proud smile. “I’m impressed.”

She stretched out her arms across the table and groaned, her hands aching. Though she was only expected to write a page, with this particular chapter she’d found herself writing piece of parchment after piece; granted her writing was of a considerable size, but nevertheless there was a fervent surge of energy that shot in her hand and she uncontrollably wrote and wrote and wrote. “Well if it hadn’t by this point I’d be worried.”

“I think I can safely say, Sunshine, that you can read!”

“I already could!” she exclaimed, exasperated. “Just not very well, is all.”

“Well now you can read well. Aren’t you pleased?”

“Not really?” she said, folding her arms and resting her head in it. “I think the Captain just used it as an excuse to get rid of me. I think he’s upset with me. He’s been avoiding me.”

“He’s just... nervous. And you did tell him to slow down.”

“Yes, but I didn’t tell him to run whenever he sees me.”

She lifted her head as she heard Benjamin’s footsteps getting progressively louder. He stroked her hair soothingly, saying nothing. Suddenly, she had an idea and was about to share it with him but from outside someone yelled, "Land ho!"

Elated, she ran out and to see; she saw yellow sand and a blue sea and her heart leapt out of her chest. Benjamin smiled in amusement behind her as she glanced behind her and grinned widely, happier than she’d even been in her life. She could taste the sea, feel the sand in her toes as a breeze played with her auburn curls, teasing around her neck and shoulders as it got underneath the shirt.

Instinctively she looked left and saw that Captain staring at her; but this wasn’t new. She caught him staring at her all the time and she was used him averting his eyes as soon as she did. This time, she timidly tucked a hair behind her ear and smiled uncertainly at him; he seemed to take a great intake of breath before he returned it, and her chest swelled up; he seemed charmed by her jubilation and his eyes showed amusement. He finally looked down and walked away but she kept her eyes on his back and somehow she knew that he was well aware that she was still looking.

Pleased, she bit her lip and looked back at Benjamin but regretted it nearly immediately; he looked so defeated again. There was so many ways that she could interpret it: but she knew it was because he was lamenting that his relationship with Jim was nowhere near as simple. He couldn’t simply smile at Jim and then it would all be on the road to being fixed and that everything would work itself out. She reached and took his hand giving it a squeeze, hoping that fresh sea air would do everyone some good.


  1. Getting these short chapters of the story is frustrating, because I don't know what happened in between!

    I hated PE at school, too. In primary school I was the slowest runner in my class, except for this boy who was nearly a dwarf. And I hear Tangled is really good :)

  2. When is the story set? Because I'm wondering about the phrase "avoiding her like the plague". See, the historian in me is shining through :)

  3. Ahh I love Benjamin so much - in fact so much more than the captain. He can't be gay! Make them fall in love :)

    And you ARE good at Badminton!
    And and and... Tangled :D Can't wait to go to the cinema :)
