Thursday 16 September 2010


The song is 'Sick' by Lex Croucher and it should be longer than the one minute something it is. What am I even. I'm ill and it sucks because it doesn't feel that much worse than a cold, except it does? I dunno. Symptoms of a cold multiplied about seventy-eight fold. Need. More. Tea.

But anyway, HEY BLOG. Goodness it *has* been a long time hasn't it? I do apologise a little bit for that, but not a lot because my life's been pretty... meh. As it should be. Because I do nothing to make it more exciting.

Erm, I read fifty books! That's cool, huh? Actually on my fifty-first book. It is called 'Looking for Alaska' by someone you know. Book #50 was Mockingjay which I have to admit did no really like; I felt kind of like a fake because I loved The Hunger Games series but... not as much as a lot of people seem to. I liked the change and mix of violence, romance, drama and adolescence; it was good because it wasn't entirely happy but mostly sad. Like DH. There was a war, and casualties happen, even if they shouldn't have had to. I honestly missed a lot of stuff because I was reading fast because I wanted it to end so I could know what happened. Also, I wanted to read fifty books. So I did. Mockingjay deserves a B+, but that's all.

Ahhhhh and I saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and it's now my favourite film. I indulged entirely in its nerdiness and fondness of videogames, comic books, etc etc. It was all so cute and wonderful and clever and witty. I want to see it again. Soon. And go see if you haven't.

I'm going to die and go make some more fruit tea now.


Wednesday 1 September 2010

In which Melanie delves in the wonderfulness of CIARA.

Because I was talking about my Year Ten friends specifically in my last post, Ciara got all jealous and thought that I didn't love her. Which is just silly, really. Of course I love Ciara; I think I feel undeserving of her the most because she's so awesome in a nerdy way. I've always admired Ciara in my own way and am incredibly happy that we are friends, because I like how her minds works. I like how soft her hair is, if that's not weird. She's part Irish, or pretty much just Irish depending on your point of view (for example, like Ciara, both my parents are from a different country, but, at least in my case, it's been debated too many times whether I am Brazilian because of my parents's nationality or English because I was born here; I personally, don't care), and Irish people are pretty chill. It's kind of hard to describe Ciara, but in short, she's just so sweet and nice and amazing; I'm lucky just to know her. Her supreme knowledge of everything, particularly Harry Potter and Science, is both intimidating and inspiring. At least I pwn her at being an Anime nerd; I probably pwn most people at that if I say so myself, but yeah. Ciara will probably tease me about that on Formspring but Anime is cool in its own way and it's super fun to make fun of too (if you know how).

Wow all one paragraph. That's so ghetto.

I love you Ciara.
