Wednesday 30 June 2010

World Cup and Saving Money

I probably mentioned it before, but I liek the World Cup I do. My friends think I’m lame, because we’re nor the type of people to watch football, but I’m proud of how Brazil have something that they are best at, and something that they are better at than the rest of the world.

So that meant that today I was round Sophie’s house and we watched the football match of England vs. Germany. It was a little bit more super intense because of the whole rivalry that sparked between the years 1939-1945.

For some reason, I can’t really bring myself to fully support England because I don’t really like the players. Nothing against the country at all, just I think the players are all stuck up and try too hard to be the heroes of the game by not ever passing to the teammates. Plus, we’re just not very good at football, so it’s hard to root for a team that you don’t really think can win. If that makes sense.

But, I got into the spirit, painted an England flag on my face, but then backed it up with a tiny Brazilian one because they are who I want to win this year. I cheered at the right times, and too found it unfair that that goal did not count – but still think that regardless, Germany would’ve won.

Yeah, so we lost. 4 – 1 (or technically 2) to Germany. It was fun to draw on my face and then do my makeup with paint because it’s slightly easier to put on when it’s with a paintbrush. I should do it more often, for it might save me time in the morning and I might actually not have to run for the bus for once.

Speaking of saving though, I’ve recently gone on a bit of a buying-cheap-books spree. I would say online, but yesterday, Saturday, I went to a car boot sale in which I bought three books, and they were all fifty pence. Their names were Nightlight, a Twilight parody, The Princess and the Captain and He’s Just Not That Into You. The latter book was actually 20p; BARGAIN!

I love saving money, or finding bargains; not only in books, but in general. For example, I bought this cute tartan dress for three pounds at the sale, and a pair of shorts for a pound. I guess I think it’s more like finding buried treasure, and I’m a sucker for pirates. Always have been, yo.

I also like the idea that because they’re clothes that are relatively old, then it’s more likely that I won’t be wearing the same as anyone else, and I like being individual and unique but still the same because I’m a teenager. If you’ve ever been an insecure teenager who likes nerdy things, you know what I am going through and what I mean.

* * *

So, that was written a couple of days ago and I’m writing this bit on the 30th of June. I am more tired than usual today for reasons I do not now and I am annoyed I cannot meet John Green because the tickets got sold out.

So annoyed; I didn’t know he was so popular in England, but still it’s two months away and I didn’t expect it to be sold out so soon even if he was. Gash darn it, I feel bad. Perhaps I should have called sooner? I’m telling myself that’s not the case so that I don’t feel super, duper guilty.

What’s changed since my last bog post?

- I did my History exam. I think I did aright, but could’ve been more prepared for the question about what women brought to the West;

- Did two Science modular exams. Not sure how I did in them, but I’m hoping for an A at least. I know that sounds weird, but I want an A overall for Science, bro.

- Had to do a speech in front of my whole year (this is around 343 people my age who don’t give a shit about what I was saying). Granted, my friend’s did it with me, but it was still gut-wrenchingly awful. I am shy and boring; why should I be given the right to speak in front of a large audience?

- I’m pretty much at the end of the year. Only two more IAAs and then that’s everything important done.

- I’ve read Paper Towns by John Green. ‘Twas good, to say the least. I like Green’s writing; is funny. Was a little bit hyped up, but I liked how he phrased the ending so ambiguously.

- I’ve also got back on my YA fiction by reading Maureen Johnson and Megan McSomethingorrather (Jessica Darling novels, okay?). I miss cute boys and kissing in literature more than I should.


Jake and Amir from CollegeHumor. I love them more than I love most things. I have never wanted two people to get together more, especially those from the same sex. I love Pat too, but I want Jake and Amir to hook up and realise the good it would do the fangirls if they kiss. Good, but... thinking about it now... most of us would probably have an aneurysm of some sort from the beauty.

Going now,

Always yours,


Thursday 24 June 2010

I'm too busy in the kitchen right now.




Tuesday 1 June 2010

My brain... screaming for me to write 'a bloody post about EXPO already'. So here I stand, or sit.

Well, I've already made a vlog about this, but since it shall be a few years before I post it, I
'll blog just in case I never, ever post it.

Okay, bullet point time!

- Me and Kate beat the record of how many people we interacted with -- last year, it was 221, and I can't remember exactly what it is, but we beat it, 'kay?
- I met David Deluise, the dad from Wizards of Waverley Place. We were originally just taking pictures of him, and after he looked our way and asked if we wanted pictures *with* him. I'll post the picture here soon; it's a bit shaky, but you can tell it's him and me.
- I saw some Doctor Who cosplayers dancing The Time Warp, and some Amy Ponds too.
- I hugged a Chester A. Bum cosplayer, which was pretty cool.
- Got lots of pictures taken of me. And I mean a lot. I wish I had counted, but I honest to God lost count, so, yeah.
- Bought three posters: Haruhi, Shugo Chara and Full Moon with that other manga on the other side.

The next day I went to the Japanese Festival with Kate again, and I cosplayed too. It was pretty cool, and the Japanese people there seemed to be impressed and in awe of our cosplays. It was weird -- me and Kate joked about it later, talking amongst ourselves like, "Yeah, wow, cosplay; don't have this in our country or anything!"

But for real, I think they were just shocked at the fact that we (or our mothers) made it, since no-one, according to Jacob, does so, because you can buy them on street corners.

I made origami! Y'know the origami bird things? Yeah, I can make them from memory.

Wow, this has been short. Oh well, I'm going back to writing my one-shot story now. It sucks, but I want to write it.
