Saturday 14 May 2011

Last Day of School.

Hey blog. Haven't seen you since April. Crazy innit?

My last day of school was on Friday and I still don't know what I'm feeling. I'm returning for exams still and for my A-Levels and I'll be seeing most of my year at my prom; all the same, if I had to put it into words is that it's the end of an era. Truly. These people have been a part of my life for five years and now... a lot of them aren't going to be; my every day life at least. My form tutor cried as we gave him his presents, which were:

  • A teddy bear in a rugby kit (it's his forte as a P.E. teacher)
  • A t-shirt with a picture of our form on the front and handwritten messages from us on the back
  • A picture of all of us throughout the years -- from 7HO to 11HO.
  • Chocolate signed from us from Thorton's for him and his family
That's when I teared up because my teacher, as I said, is a rugby player or at least has the build of one and to see a man that big cry was so heartbreaking. He said that right off the bat he'd tell his new form that they'd never beat us so they shouldn't even try. That's why I cried; because I really love that man.

Then we had our last German lesson and I cried a little then too and then we had R.E. and then we had our Leaver's Assembly. Also, I got one of the guys I liked in the past to sign my notebook in which I was gathering messages from people to sign it and he said he loves me (!). He actually signed it twice because he didn't realise. All the same, I was happy. I got the guy I currently like to sign it too but he was so drunk all he wrote was my name and it's not even legible; not going to lie, I was sad about that and a little annoyed and felt a bit pathetic. It just proved that he really did not like me or know me to the point where... I dunno. It just proved my crush on him was so fickle and pointless and I felt like an idiot. I joked about it later, but yeah. It stung.

The Assembly was lovely. My year had loads of talented people in it and we're all so supportive - Hector danced ballet and to see even the guys stand up and clap at the end of it just goes to show much we've grown since Year 7; I doubt Hector would have had the same reception in Year 7. We've grown and I hadn't even noticed until that moment. I was eleven when I started that school and being sixteen seemed to far away and it felt like I'd be so grown up when I was in Year 11. I'm not.

Our Head of Year cried too when he did his little speech and honestly all I remember from it was he walked off stage and as we all cheered he lunged for the mike again and said, "I love you all."

Then the BBQ, which ran out of food for Kate and I but I got some more signatures and then we walked to the beach and hung out and went to Sophie's. At Sophie's I did realise how much I loved my friends and how I'm lucky that I have friends who are lovely and cool and like me can sit there and just laugh at the absurdity that we are not school students anymore. We're a strange in between of school student and college student and we're doing it together and somehow that doesn't make it sad or weird, it just makes it funny. Honestly we were so happy I think I became sad; it was just such a bittersweet joy.

Exams now, gah!
